Archive for November, 2010

Autumn Leaves – Work or Play?

November 12, 2010

The long driveway into The Shepherd’s Inn Bed & Breakfast is aptly named and is very evident when Fall arrives. It is always exciting to welcome the arrival of a New Season but Fall is one of those Seasons which teases you as it progresses. I love to watch the leaves dance from branch to branch as they gently float to the earth. The brilliant reds, yellows & oranges delights your senses as they reflect the suns golden rays and lures you outdoors to soak up the earthy smells.  Fall is truly one of my favorite times of the year but the reality of the job that goes with it can make you want to hasten the arrival of the last leaf to drop.The photo below is only a 5 day accumulation and the 5th time the leaves were blown off since they began to fall. Is it work blowing off all those leaves again and again? Perhaps some would call it work but I call it therapy, for though it is a huge task it makes me appreciate the beautiful surroundings we live in.